On Saturday 8 Feb at 20:00 Claquettes américaines avec le trio Grabuge CULTURAL Performed by Toulouse's Trio Grabuge with Juliette Prézeau, Côme Jodet and Maxime Guillem. Saint-Antoine-de-Ficalba
On Monday 10 Feb at 10:30 Eveil au livre CULTURAL Help children discover themselves and the world around them. Dreaming, laughing, expressing themselves, taking flight, understanding, developing langu... Villeneuve-sur-Lot
On Tuesday 11 Feb at 18:00 En jeux d'écriture CULTURAL Fun writing workshop to stimulate the imagination. Registration required. Villeneuve-sur-Lot
On Tuesday 11 Feb at 20:00 Dolorès - Une histoire vraie CULTURAL Sylvin Rubinstein, whose only wish in life was to dance flamenco with his sister Maria, joins the resistance against the Nazis. Haunted by the disappe... Villeneuve-sur-Lot
On Tuesday 11 Feb at 14:30 Kiki de Monparnasse par Béatrice Delléa, professeure de Lettres, déléguée et adjointe à la culture de Villeneuve-sur-Lot CULTURAL Little Alice Prin wasn't exactly born under a lucky star, but thanks to her courage and quirky personality, she's about to become the Queen of Monparn... Villeneuve-sur-Lot
On Wednesday 12 Feb at 10:00 Atelier cuisine et nutrition LOCAL EVENTS Alone or with the family, a healthy and fun cooking workshop. Reservations required. Villeneuve-sur-Lot
On Wednesday 12 Feb at 10:00 Ludokids et Babies CULTURAL Games and motor skills courses for under-3s and card games, board games, manipulative games? Villeneuve-sur-Lot
On Thursday 13 Feb at 14:30 En jeux d'écriture CULTURAL Fun writing workshop to stimulate the imagination. Registration required. Villeneuve-sur-Lot
On Friday 14 Feb at 19:00 Soirée rencontre - Cosy cool LOCAL EVENTS Here's a chance to get to know each other in a cosy atmosphere. Villeneuve-sur-Lot
On Friday 14 Feb at 20:00 MAKJA - Concert Voix du Sud CULTURAL After being recognized as an artisan chansonnier with the Prix Centre des Ecritures de Chanson, and having set foot in French homes on the "The Voice"... Villeneuve-sur-Lot
Pujols Cedric Vlemmings 9©Pujols Cedric Vlemmings 9|Cédric VlemmingsI’m here for the weekendBastides Enchantee Villeneuve Sur Lot Cedric Vlemmings 12 Min©Bastides Enchantee Villeneuve Sur Lot Cedric Vlemmings 12 Min|Cédric VlemmingsChristmas festivitiesCanoe Paddle La Lede Casseneuil Cedric Vlemmings 32 Min©Canoe Paddle La Lede Casseneuil Cedric Vlemmings 32 Min|Cédric VlemmingsOur outdoor activities