On Tuesday 11 Mar at 14:15 Sensibilisation à l'égalité femmes / hommes : jeux d'impro CULTURAL Offered by the Maison de l?Europe as part of its JUSTE - Youth for a Tolerant and Equitable Society program, this workshop enables young people to dec... Villeneuve-sur-Lot
On Tuesday 11 Mar at 18:00 En jeux d'écriture CULTURAL Fun writing workshop to stimulate the imagination. Registration required. Villeneuve-sur-Lot
On Tuesday 11 Mar at 14:30 Le slave Alphonse Mucha, la pensée à la pointe du pinceau par Geneviève Sanchez, conférencière CULTURAL Alphonse Mucha is a philosophical artist, a cosmopolitan when this bohemian is in Paris, an actor and poster artist in Sarah Bernhard's golden society... Villeneuve-sur-Lot
On Wednesday 12 Mar at 10:00 Atelier Art - Emotions : Ecriture de poèmes SPORTS AND LEISURE We propose a poetic writing workshop. Come and express yourself through words. Reservations required. Villeneuve-sur-Lot
On Wednesday 12 Mar at 14:00 Job Dating LOCAL EVENTS The aim is to put jobseekers in direct contact with local companies that are recruiting. Employment workshops (CV, covering letter, etc.) run by BIJ/... Sainte-Livrade-sur-Lot
On Thursday 13 Mar at 14:30 En jeux d'écriture CULTURAL Fun writing workshop to stimulate the imagination. Registration required. Villeneuve-sur-Lot
On Thursday 13 Mar at 20:30 Les femmes face aux défis du monde professionnel LOCAL EVENTS The Maison de l?Europe de Lot-et-Garonne ? Europe Direct Moyenne Garonne and the City of Villeneuve-sur-Lot invite you to an evening of film and debat... Villeneuve-sur-Lot
On Saturday 15 Mar at 20:00 Hedwig and the angry inch CULTURAL The Broadway rock musical with 4 Tony Awards! Not a musical, not a concert, not a stand-up, not a play - and yet, it's all of these. Neither man nor w... Villeneuve-sur-Lot
On Saturday 15 Mar at 16:00 Atelier portage - Parents-Enfants SPORTS AND LEISURE Come and learn the different babywearing techniques: a parent-child workshop led by Marine Rappe, Douala nurse and parenting coach. Villeneuve-sur-Lot
Bastides Enchantee Villeneuve Sur Lot Cedric Vlemmings 12 Min©Bastides Enchantee Villeneuve Sur Lot Cedric Vlemmings 12 Min|Cédric VlemmingsChristmas festivitiesBastide Fluviale Villeneuve Sur Lot Cedric Vlemmings 49 Min©Bastide Fluviale Villeneuve Sur Lot Cedric Vlemmings 49 Min|Cédric VlemmingsAn authentic heritagePujols Cedric Vlemmings 9©Pujols Cedric Vlemmings 9|Cédric VlemmingsI’m here for the weekend