On Tuesday 21 Jan at 17:30 Café des parents CULTURAL Therapist Clarisse Rizzotti invites you to share your concerns with other parents. A parallel workshop is planned for your children. Reservations requ... Villeneuve-sur-Lot
On Tuesday 21 Jan at 14:30 Les cafés historiques en Europe par Henri de Montéty, conférencier CULTURAL Heirs to the first public cafés, opened in the 18th century to provide an elegant yet more intimate setting for intellectual exchange than the court,... Villeneuve-sur-Lot
On Wednesday 22 Jan at 10:00 Atelier cuisine en famille : Jus de légumes CULTURAL On your own or with your family, come and learn about the benefits of vegetable juices and how to make them. Villeneuve-sur-Lot
On Thursday 23 Jan at 20:00 Le repas des Fauves CULTURAL They have one night to choose which of them will go as hostages. In Paris in 1942, seven guests, who have more or less adapted to the German occupatio... Villeneuve-sur-Lot
On Friday 24 Jan at 20:00 Ciné - Débat : La Vallée des loups CULTURAL The Repère association and La Bib are teaming up for an evening of discovery about an animal that is both fascinating and unloved. With the screening... Sainte-Livrade-sur-Lot
On Saturday 25 Jan at 18:00 Nuit de la lecture - Pyjaloup party CULTURAL Pyjama evening at the Library. Listen to stories about wolves in pyjamas with Doudou, from age 4! Villeneuve-sur-Lot
On Saturday 25 Jan at 19:00 Soirée jeux "Loup Garou" CULTURAL An evening for teenagers and adults: Come and discover the game of Loup Garou. Food available on reservation. Villeneuve-sur-Lot
On Saturday 25 Jan at 20:30 Spectacle d’improvisation théâtrale CULTURAL An improvised show-cabaret by a dozen comedians from the Lot-et-Garonne company Double JE, where each scene inspired by your suggestions is created on... Villeneuve-sur-Lot
On Saturday 25 Jan at 20:30 "Un amour de Jeunesse" d'Yvan Calbérac CULTURAL At twenty, penniless Antoine married Maryse... But she left him overnight for humanitarian missions in Africa. Thirty years later, Antoine has made hi... Castella
On Sunday 26 Jan at 11:00 Brunch - jeux CULTURAL A Sunday together to share a brunch, play games, have fun, relax and meet new people. Villeneuve-sur-Lot
On Sunday 26 Jan at 14:00 Thé dansant du Nouvel An LOCAL EVENTS Tea dance hosted by the Mireille orchestra, in a retro, French variety and musette atmosphere. Reservations recommended. Villeneuve-sur-Lot
P3 Pique Nique Casseneuil Les Coflocs 3 Min©P3 Pique Nique Casseneuil Les Coflocs 3 Min|Cédric VlemmingsThe “South-West” atmosphereBastide Fluviale Villeneuve Sur Lot Cedric Vlemmings 49 Min©Bastide Fluviale Villeneuve Sur Lot Cedric Vlemmings 49 Min|Cédric VlemmingsAn authentic heritagePujols Cedric Vlemmings 9©Pujols Cedric Vlemmings 9|Cédric VlemmingsI’m here for the weekend